in the world
The smallest and lightest baby carrier.
The Mini Sling
This baby carrier is so small and lightweight that you’ll always have it with you. It’s ultra-compact and weighs no more than a mobile phone (175g). The wonderfully airy Mini Sling lets you carry your baby ergonomically from birth.
- For babies 0 – 2 years (max. 18kg / 40lbs)
- One size fits all
- Safe & certified – compliant with EU standards
- Made from breathable mesh fabric (lightweight polyester with small holes)
- Waterproof & quick-drying – ideal for the shower, pool, or beach
- Super quick and easy to use – just follow the instructions ?

Also for toddlers
You can use the Mini Sling right from birth, carrying your newborn tummy-to-tummy. As they grow, most babies enjoy looking around. Simply shift the sling to the side to carry your little one on your hip. This makes the Mini Sling perfect for toddlers too (up to 18 kg / 40 lbs). Since toddlers are heavier than newborns, the sling is mainly used for shorter carrying moments at this stage. ??
Go places with your Minimonkey

Ergonomic & Safe
You carry your baby upright against your body, with their head resting on your chest. Their bottom sits low while their upper legs are spread and positioned higher—also known as the M-position or ‘frog position.’ This ergonomic carrying method is recommended by pediatricians as it supports healthy hip development.
Newborns naturally keep their legs close together. As they grow, their legs gradually spread, and you’ll eventually be able to carry them on your hip instead of your chest. Curious toddlers especially love being carried on the hip, as it gives them a great view of the world around them!
The Mini Sling features a safety loop that secures one leg, preventing the fabric from slipping and ensuring your baby stays safely in place. While this loop itself isn’t designed for carrying, it acts as a safeguard in case your baby stretches or moves unexpectedly.
Although the Mini Sling allows for extended carrying, it is primarily designed for quick and convenient use during shorter carrying moments.
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This is how you use the Mini Sling
The best 9 tips for parents.
Tip 1
Ensure good support
When worn correctly, the Mini Sling provides sufficient support for your baby, eliminating the need to hold them with your hand. Since newborns cannot support their own heads, it is essential that both the head and back are fully supported by the sling, with the fabric securely tightened across the back. Additionally, babies should be seated in the sling in a proper M-position.
If you still feel the need to support your baby with your hands, the carrier may not yet be positioned correctly. You can adjust this by:
- Wearing the baby higher and tighter (see tip 2).
- Ensuring the top edge is horizontal (see tip 3).
- Spreading the fabric evenly over your shoulder (see tip 4).
- Positioning the baby correctly in the M-position (see tip 5).
- Fastening the clip on the top edge of the back panel and tightening it.
- Adjusting the fabric around the back for a snug fit (see the video at the bottom of tip 5).
- Reviewing the step-by-step instructions (see tip 9).
Tip 2
Wear the sling high (!)
Experience has taught that users tend to wear the Mini Sling too low and too loose. The neck and back of the baby will not get the proper support. Therefore our advice is: wear the sling high, with your baby’s head against your sternum and its body snugly against yours! You are carrying the Mini Sling at the correct height if you can easily kiss your baby on its little head.
Before you put the baby in, make sure the sling has the shape of a ‘bowl’ and hangs on both sides underneath your armpits, like on the right image above. On the left image the shoulder piece hangs far too low. By tightening the black strap on your back, you raise the baby higher, ensuring the proper support for its neck and back. If the baby is already positioned in the sling and the sling is still a little too loose/low, you can simply adjust it by pushing the baby upwards with your hand underneath his bottom and pulling on the black strap on your back at the same time.
Tip 3
Prevent hanging lopsided
If the baby is hanging at an angle, or the head falls sideways in the sling, this is generally caused by one of the following:
- the carrier is too loose/too low (see tip 2)
- the shoulder piece hasn’t been properly spread across your upper arm and shoulder (see tip 4)
- the side of the shoulder piece is too high and the side where the sling goes underneath your armpit is too low.
It’s the intention for the shoulder piece to be spread out and that both the clip, as well as the section which goes underneath your armpit, is positioned at armpit height – see the yellow arrows in the picture below. If these are positioned at the same height – armpit height – and you close the clip once the baby is in the sling, the padded top edge of the back piece will effectively support the baby’s neck and head. The top edge will then be nice and straight, just like with a strapless top, and the baby’s head won’t fall sideways.
If your baby is in the sling and it’s still a little lopsided, you can slightly twist the Mini Sling and tighten the strap on your back a little.
Tip 4
Spread the shoulder piece
Spreading the fabric over the shoulder helps to prevent the baby hanging lopsidedly (tip 3) and is much more comfortable for you. The Mini Sling’s shoulder piece is designed to fit comfortably on your shoulder joint. Ensure the shoulder piece is spread out properly over your shoulder and upper arm, to prevent your baby from hanging to one side. The large black extendable strap should be on your back.
The sling is suitable for wearing on either shoulder. Don’t know which shoulder to pick? Choose the side you normally carry your (hand) bag on as that will feel the most natural to you.
Safety loops and buckles
The Mini Sling has two safety loops and two buckles, so you can wear it on your left as well as your right shoulder. The loop on the inside (near your baby’s neck) and the clip at the bottom of the sling aren’t used, they are for carrying your baby on your other shoulder. If you so wish, you can tuck the dangling clip between the fabric above it, as shown in the illustration below. -
Tip 5
Carry your baby in the ergonomic M-position
We recommend carrying your baby in an ergonomic position, known as the M-position, to support healthy hip development. In this position, the baby’s bottom is seated in the sling while the upper legs are fully supported, with the knees positioned higher than the hips.
Some babies who are not yet accustomed to being carried in a sling or wrap may initially overstretch when placed in one for the first time. This means they may extend their legs and back, causing them to ‘hang’ rather than settling into a relaxed, seated position within the fabric.
Fortunately, this can be easily corrected by pulling the fabric up between the legs to ensure full support of the upper legs. Another helpful method is gently holding the baby’s lower legs and tilting them upward toward your stomach. This encourages relaxation, allowing the baby’s back to naturally curve into a comfortable, supported position within the fabric. You may need to repeat this adjustment a few times before your baby fully relaxes.
For newborns, the legs remain close together. As your baby grows, their legs will gradually spread, and eventually, you will be able to carry them on your hip.
The following instruction video by Anna Michalaki (Greek baby wearing consultant) clearly shows how to get a nice deep M-position (at 2.57 – 3:20 sec) and how to ensure that the fabric is tightened around the back (at 2: 30 – 2:58 sec.).
Tip 6
Use the sling in the shower, in the swimming pool…
The Mini Sling is not water tight, but it is waterproof, so you can get it wet. And once wet, it dries again within 30 minutes. This makes it the ideal baby carrier to use in the shower, on the beach or at the pool. The sling is made out of a mesh fabric, so as well as being waterproof, it is very light and airy, making it ideal for warm days. In short, the Mini Sling is a must-have if you take your ‘little monkey’ on a trip! ?
Tip 7
Folding the Mini Sling in its pouch
The shoulder piece has a small sewn-in pouch with a black and white rope that allows you to fold the sling into a tiny package, as shown in the illustrations below. Essentially, it’s the same as folding up a reusable shopping bag.
Tip 8
Times of use
The Mini Sling is the ideal carrier to always have with you. It is so small and light, you will barely notice it’s in your bag at all! It is suitable for use for a newborn as well as a toddler (max. 15 kgs) and its airy fabric makes it especially suitable for warm days. The Mini Sling is perfect for travelling, around the house, the ‘I wish I brought a baby carrier’ and the ‘let’s quickly’ moments…
On the go:
If you’re travelling with your baby, or you are out and about, there’s a thousand things you need to bring; clothes, food, nappies, sunscreen, you name it… So it’s very convenient if you can stuff a baby carrier in your bag that doesn’t take up much room, is light and airy, can get wet and it dries quickly. This all makes it ideal for use on the airport, under the shower, at the pool or on the beach.The ‘I wish I brought a baby carrier’ moments:
You are out and about with your baby in its stroller, and the inevitable happens: the stroller can’t get into the shop, you need to take the stairs to another floor, you need to hand over the stroller to board your plane, etc. Or, your ‘little monkey’ simply refuses to sit down… All these situations make it necessary for you to carry your baby. How wonderful to just dig into your bag and take out the Mini Sling!Let’s quickly:
Let’s quickly go to day care, school or the shops. Quickly going to and from the car. A quick trip up the stairs or down the post office. Let’s quickly take the dog for a walk… Let’s quickly get out the Mini Sling!At home – hands-free:
As well as being super convenient for use outside the house, the Mini Sling is a champion at home too! At those moments when your baby’s a bit fussy and wants to be close to you, you quickly put it in the sling. You’ll have your baby close and comfortable, while still having your hands free. -
Tip 9
The instructions, step by step
To understand how the Mini Sling works, we strongly recommend watching the Instruction video first.
Tips for practicing:
- Try it a few times with someone else.
- Practice when your baby is relaxed (e.g., after a nap, feeding, and diaper change).
- Use a doll and practice in front of a mirror.
Step-by-step written instructions:
1. Putting on the Mini Sling
- Place the sling over your head and spread the shoulder piece evenly over one shoulder.
- Tighten the black strap on your back so that the carrier fits snugly under your opposite armpit (see the left illustration below).
- A newborn should be carried in the center of your torso. For older (and more curious) babies, position them slightly more on your hip. The height should remain the same, but shift the carrying part of the sling slightly toward your hip for better positioning.
- Shape the carrier into a ‘bowl,’ making sure it is not inside out (the Minimonkey logo should be visible on the outside).
2. Place your baby in the sling
- Start by positioning your baby high on your free shoulder.
- Gently guide one foot through the safety loop at the bottom of the carrier (marked with a green asterisk in the illustration). Important: Do not use the loop at the top—this is meant for carrying the Mini Sling on your other shoulder. Once your baby’s leg is in the safety loop, they cannot fall out of the sling. However, keep in mind that this loop is only a safety feature; the baby is carried by the fabric of the pouch.
- Let your baby “hang” into the sling with the backs of their knees resting in the fabric while their bottom is still outside the sling. Wait until your baby is completely relaxed in this position before gently pulling the fabric up over their back.
Pull the fabric up
- Calmly pull the fabric up over your baby’s back. For newborns: the fabric reaches halfway its ears.
- Ensure the minimonkey logo is at the middle of your baby’s neck.
- The top edge of the Mini Sling should be horizontal.
Fasten the clip
- Fasten the clip on the top of the back panel.
- Tighten the strap until the soft stuffed neck trim properly supports your baby’s neck.
- Any excess fabric can be neatly tucked away to the side. If you feel your baby is sitting too low or too loose, you can pull it up with one arm while tightening the strap on your back.
- Your child is in a nice M pose – the carrier supports its upper legs and its bottom is lower than its upper legs. Its back has a natural curve.
- Your baby’s head is properly supported and rests on your sternum (5b).
- The top edge of the Mini Sling is horizontal, the minimonkey logo is centered and the opposite side fits snugly underneath your arm (5a + 5b).
- The back panel is nice and tight over your baby’s back.
- The shoulder piece is spread over you shoulder and upper arm (5c)
Belly versus hip carrying
A newborn’s legs are still close together (see picture below left). As your child grows, its legs spread and eventually you will be able to carry it on your hip (instead of against your chest). Especially curious toddlers enjoy being carried on the hip as it allows for excellent views all around!
‘Problem’ solving
Is the sling not sufficiently supporting the baby yet? This will usually be because the sling isn’t tight or high enough, or because it’s sitting at an angle and/or the fabric is too loose. See tip 1, tip 2, tip 3 and tip 4 to find out how you can resolve this.
Is the sling not yet comfortable for you ? This will often be because the fabric hasn’t been properly spread across your shoulder and upper arm. Or because of the fact you may need to get used to the feeling when you have spread the fabric out correctly. ?
Are you still unhappy with the fit? These tips will help you:
- If the fabric doesn’t stretch tightly over your baby’s back, you can tuck the fabric away at the side or underneath your baby’s bottom.
- If its head isn’t properly supported and/or your baby isn’t sitting in the sling correctly, you can pull it up with one arm while tightening the black strap on your back.
- Is your baby sitting in the sling lopsidedly? Slightly twist the Mini Sling by pulling the shoulder piece down a bit and at the same time pulling the other side up a bit, fitting it more snugly underneath your arm. The top edge of the back panel should now be straight. Tighten the strap on your back to ensure the Mini Sling stays in this position.
- Weight:
- 0.18 kg
- Dimensions:
- 9 × 7,5 × 15 cm
- Color:
- Grey I Light green I White I Black I Sand Color I Blue
- Use:
- 0 - 2 years (newborn up to max 18kg/ 40 lbs)
- Safe:
- In accordance with EU safety standard
- Wash:
- at 40º (in laundry bag and at low RPM)
- Material:
- Mesh (light fabric with small, airy holes)
- Waterproof:
- Yes, ideal in the shower, in the pool, on the beach ...
- Download:
- Instruction with safety advice
Mini Sling
- Can be used from newborn to 2 years
- Ergonomic
- Can also be used in the shower, in the pool etc.